Intrepid expands 18-to-29s trip range to 35

In 2024, Intrepid introduced 15 new trips exclusive to this age range, including the 9-Day Essential Korea, Six Days in Iceland and One Week in Morocco.

Intrepid has seen a rise in enquiries from travelers in their early 30s wanting to join Intrepid’s young adult trips. The company conducted extensive consumer research which showed that most travellers aged 18 to 35 prefer to travel with those of a similar age.

The top three priorities were: unique cultural travel experiences, small-group size and best value for money. These were followed by a desire for more destinations and local leaders.

“When the average person thinks about travel for young adults, they picture massive groups, fast-paced itineraries, party-packed nights and touristy experiences,” says Intrepid’s General Manager of Global Product, Erica Kritikides. “This generation is more curious, climate-conscious and culturally connected than any other. Our experiences must match that.”

To see Intrepid’s full 18 to 35s trip range, visit

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Delta expands ‘Faces of Travel’ program to increase representation in travel culture

Wed Apr 10 , 2024
At Delta, we believe that a more welcoming world, where everyone feels seen, included and respected, is a world worth welcoming. This is why we are building on our ‘Faces of Travel’ program by adding 100 new images to our Adobe Stock collection that authentically showcases diverse travelers out in […]
Delta expands ‘Faces of Travel’ program to increase representation in travel culture

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